The Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry prepares students of the first (bachelor) level of education according to more than 20 different educational training programs. About 1,500 students from more than 15 faculties and educational and scientific institutes of Ihor Sikorsky KPI study annually in the following disciplines: "Chemistry", "General Chemistry", "General and Inorganic Chemistry", "Chemistry of Elements". At the department, student circles of a scientific orientation are actively working: "Kupfernickel" (head A.O. Zulfigarov), "Chemistry - the way to the future" (head I.V. Kovalenko), "Chemistry from theory to practice" (head N.E. Vlasenko), "Chemistry in action" (head V.A. Potaskalov). The purpose of their creation was to involve students of chemical-technological, chemical-engineering, engineering-physics, and biotechnology faculties in research work, to develop their experimental skills, the ability to pose and solve scientific problems, and to publicize the results of research in reports at conferences and publications in scientific publications. For 1st-year students, participation in science clubs increases motivation for mastering a course in general and inorganic chemistry, provides an opportunity to gain practical skills for working in a chemical laboratory with chemical utensils and devices, prepare for mastering professional disciplines related to chemical technology, biotechnology, and materials science. The teachers of the department are involved in career guidance work with schoolchildren under the "Future of Ukraine" program and the Small Academy of Sciences (MAS) of Ukraine. Preparations are being made for the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of students-members of the chemistry and biology department of KMANU and for the speech at the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense, work with the teachers of the chemistry and biology department of the Kyiv National Academy of Sciences (O.P. Kachorovska, A. E. Shpak). Gifted young people can try their strength and knowledge in the annual All-Ukrainian Chemistry Olympiad of I. Sikorskyi KPI for entrants. It has already become a tradition to hold the All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Chemists named after A. V. V. Skopenka (I. V. Lisovska, V. A. Potaskalov, N. V. Tarasenko). Starting in 2022, the department started conducting career guidance events in the form of a series of webinars "Admission to budget places in wartime conditions" for applicants, their parents and school teachers.